Les Ma%C3%AEtres du temps

Les Matres du temps lit. The Masters of Time, a.k.a. Time Masters, Az id urai in Hungarian is a 1982 FrancoHungarian animated science fiction feature film directed by Ren Laloux and designed by Mbius. It is based on the 1958 science fiction novel LOrphelin de Perdide The Orphan of Perdide by Stefan Wul.

A man named Claude is driving a sixwheeled, insectlike vehicle over the desert surface of Perdide very fast. He attempts to communicate with Jaffar, saying that they attacked and that Annie is dead. After a crash that wrecks his vehicle, he lets his son Piel down from the wreckage he cannot extricate himself. Piel is too young to comprehend the red and white, ovoid interstellar transceiver that Claude hands him. So Claude tells him that it is named Mike and will talk to him, and to do whatever Mike tells him to do, but first to run to a corallike forest and stay within it. After Piel has reached the forest, the crashed vehicle explodes.Jaffar is piloting a spacecraft, the Double Triangle 22. He plans to reach Perdide by being pulled along by the gravitational field of the Blue Comet. But hes several planetary systems away, and does not go directly to Perdide or the Blue Comet. Instead he heads for a planet where his friend Silbad resides, as Silbad has experience of living on Perdide. Jaffars passengers, Prince Matton and his sister, Princess Belle, have been deposed from their planet they bring with them a treasure the Prince took along to fund his restoration. Matton is not at all happy about being diverted and makes no attempt to hide his displeasure throughout he is depicted as a lazy, arrogant and deceitful individual. ........

Source: Wikipedia